Let us help with your synthetic turf landscaping needs.
Synthetic turf is a game changer when installed in a backyard. You’ll never have to worry about spending another Saturday working in the yard, and the grass will always look perfect! Artificial grass is also a great solution for backyards that stay muddy and wet from a lack of good drainage, or for yards that can’t seem to grow grass because of too many trees and not enough sunlight. The price of turf is more expensive than real grass because of the cost of materials, labor involved, and multi-step process it takes to install. However, if you are having to re-sod your yard every few years because of any of the above issues, turf might be a cost-efficient option for you long-term.
We have years of experience with installing turf in the Montgomery area. We’ve installed many in Hampstead, Wynlakes, McGehee Estates, Hillwood, and the Pike Road area. We are completely local- you can call us for any questions and we will be there to help.